DataGuard​ QAQC

DataGuard is a fully integrated system for Quality Assurance and Quality Control on all data captured in Omni-Sampling.

Why use Geo-Locator

Geo-Locator, is a full feature mine and land survey system that ensures data get captured in a manner that adheres to legal requirements. 

The information is saved in a format that is allowed for full integration with our other enterprise solutions. Making Geo-Locator a one stop shop for all your requirements.


Has the ability to check and ensure data anonymisation.


Data experts where involved in the design of the system, to ensure industry standards where met.

Online Support

Allows for support in any region.


Expert reporting to provide you with the information you need for the people who need it.

DB Source Control

All work is saved to a database and can be accessed.


As all information is stored in a database, with full auditing trail. This allows for the 5 W's, Who; What; Where; When; and Why.